Thursday, March 1, 2012

Random Facts About Me

I found this tag on Cassey's blog - Blogilates. I LOVE her workout vids and she is an amazing inspiration, so I thought I'd join in on the fun with this tag.

1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about “you are tagged if you are reading this”. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
My Random Facts:
1. On the first day of first grade at a new school, I threw up right before school ended, and it went all over this boy's pants. Someone yelled out "She threw up her tonsils!" haha. I ended up going to school w/ these people for the next 8 years. Yay private school!
2. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school. It was crazy and I had the best times of my life there. Btw, I went to Catholic school from K-12. This means 13 years of wearing uniform. Cray cray indeed.
3. I'm addicted to video games. I love my PS3. I play so much that I think I have carpal tunnel because of it. 
4. I got a brazilian wax once. It hurt so bad I never went again but I really want to try another place.
5. I turn red when I drink alcohol - the "Asian Glow". People think I'm already really drunk when I'm actually not drunk at all. It works out pretty favorably since I don't like alchy much.
6. I'm waiting to hear back from the law schools that I applied to. I hope I get in somewhere this cycle, because I would do ANYTHING but study again to retake the LSAT. I went MIA for 5 months last year and had a bunch of nervous breakdowns because of that dang test.
7. I have a very extreme personality. I either super love or super hate something, there is no in between for me.
8. I have been with my BF for 6 years, and we live together. I still get excited when he texts me while we're at work. We have to have hugging sessions each day as well.
9. I am in the process of buying my first condo with my BF and we are so excited!
10. I almost died while I was boogie boarding in Hawaii when I was 14. I went off by myself to a random beach where no one was at, and got hit with super tall waves and scratched my feet against the huge rocks underneath. I was gasping for air and being pulled down with my board. I managed to get out after a few minutes of struggling but my life flashed before my eyes!
11. I love my family so MUCH! I have 2 sets of parents, a little bro and little sis, and I have tons of cousins.
11 New Questions for my friends:
1. If you were a fruit or vegetable, which one would you be and why? I would be spinach. I don't know why but I just LOVE spinach and it is so versatile.
2. What’s your fave song to sing when you go Karaoke-ing? Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays by NSYNC. All. the. time. LOVES IT!
3. If you got $1 million tomorrow what would you do? I'm hoping this 1 million is after tax! If I have to pay taxes, I won't have that much to play with! I would max out my roth IRA, buy an investment property in cash, bulk up my emergency fund, put some in stocks to play around with, go on a vacation with the BF to hawaii, and probably put the rest in retirement.
4. What’s your favorite feature on a guy/girl/whatever sex you’re attracted to? I like tall (but not too tall because I'm only 5'3") and athletic men. Basically I'm describing my BF :) He's 5'10" and he was a soccer star.
5. What is your ultimate “bad food” or “cheat food”? Carne asada fries! I die for it. Fries, cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and tons and tons of hot sauce. I live in San Diego, so if you haven't had carne asada fries from SD, you really haven't had carne asada fries. Unless you've had some in Mexico, then that works too. And other cheat foods would have to be chips and candy. I apparently like high fructose corn syrup.
6. Have you had your heart broken or are you a heart breaker? I've broken a few hearts and had my heart "broken" when I was younger. Not really much of either though.
7. What superpower do you want to possess? If you've seen No Ordinary Family I really liked the mom's superpower. She was able to run as fast as the speed of light so she was always in shape and she was able to do EVERYTHING in seconds. And be in 2 places at once almost. I really want that power.
8. What’s you fave meal of the day? I look forward to dinner. Breakfast and lunch is usually light and eaten at work so maybe that's why I like dinner, because I get to eat it at home and with my BF.
9. If you could pick your own name, what would it be? I like boyish names for girls... so I'd like to be Corie, or Alex, or Carson or something. Hahah weird right? Actually I want to name my daughter I'm hoping I have a daughter one day.
10. Which ice cream best describes your personality? Probably Mocha Almond Fudge. I'm nutty and sweet!
11. On the plane, when the flight attendant asks you what drink you’d like, what do you pick? GINGER ALE FTW! I always get ginger ale. I actually heard someone order a cran-apple so I think I'll be adventurous and try that out next time.

I'm really new to the fitness blogosphere so I don't have anyone to tag yet...feel free to steal this tag!


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